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Multiple relationships (feature request)

+5 votes
So, there's a button to show us the closest relationship a certain someone in our tree has with another person, but it's limited to one relationship. So I was wondering, wouldn't it be cool if we could be shown different paths? In order for the web to show you what the shortest path is, it must analize or the alternative paths... but that's something they don't show us.

I understand it must be beyond impossible (or, at the very least, heavy on both the servers and the developers) to include such a thing, but I for one would love having something similar, as multiple links between people is something frequent in the tree i'm making.
asked Aug 12, 2023 by AshGeneration (910 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
To do this youn will need to have duplicates.
answered Dec 23, 2024 by rocketmoore8 (7,390 points)
Say you are marrying someone who just happens to be the great-great-great granddaughter of your great-great-great-great grandmother (so, your aunt X times removed).

Duplicates aren't even all that uncommon, especially with huge trees, and in that specific case the shortest path it will find from that ancestor to you is via your wife, even though you're his direct descendant — which makes no sense, to be honest. That was the reasoning behind my question.