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Username change

0 votes
Hello, I would like to change my username as I made my account a while ago. Please give me your email address or help me in some other way. Thanks.
asked Aug 10, 2023 by kerem123 (120 points)
I moved my original comment to an answer. Thinking about it more, it's probably a reasonable way to approach this.

1 Answer

0 votes

If you don't get a better answer from someone, you could export your family tree, create a new account, and then import your family tree. Don't do anything silly like deleting your old account until after you're sure it worked.

You might not even have to do the export/import. You might try creating a new account, create a sharing link with editing rights, and then editing your tree with your new account.

answered Aug 14, 2023 by lsommerer (48,700 points)
But that deletes the photos?
Yes, photos are not imported or exported.