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Modify the downloaded HTML to insert a hyperlink on each name?

0 votes

How could I modify the downloaded HTML to insert a hyperlink in each person's name?

I dont mind if I have to do it by hand for each person, but, I was just wondering if someone has done this before or could give me a hint on how to do it. Many thanks in advance


asked Jul 15, 2023 by whikap (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
I can't come up with a way to do what you want. The names are all created on the fly via javaScript from each individuals data, so there's really not a spot where you could insert an anchor tag. You could rewrite the javascript function that creates the name and have it also create a link around the name. You'd have to store the link somewhere. Maybe in a field you don't use, like interest?
answered Aug 2, 2023 by lsommerer (52,870 points)