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Can I change the "founder" of the tree?

0 votes
I started by tree by starting with myself, but I intended it to be for all my cousins to use.  I'd therefore like to change the focus to be the great-granparents rather than me, so when someone tries to download or print, "My Family" is based on the anscestors at top, not going up and down from me in the middle.
asked Jul 10, 2023 by Lassig (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
The only way I can think of doing this is by downloading your current tree as GEDCOM, making a new tree and importing that GEDCOM onto your new tree. By doing that that you can choose a new founder using a person currently on that tree. However, you will lose all your pictures if you have any and have to re-upload them.
answered Jul 10, 2023 by Cover (140 points)