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Do we have an option to view the relationship between family member (not the person signing in)?

+1 vote
Hi founder of Family Echo, thank you very much for the free app for our family to use. It is very helpful & easy to access. But I have a request, would it be possible if we add an option to see one of the family member's relationship with another family member (not the person signing in)? Would appreciate your response.
asked Jun 30, 2023 by hazirah1408 (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Let's say you want to view the relationship between John and Marie. Follow these steps:

1. View your relationship with John.

2. in that page (your name -> John), click your name. it should show up the full list of people in your family tree

3. pick Marie. and there you go.
answered Jun 30, 2023 by AshGeneration (540 points)