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Print poster size?

0 votes

I am trying to print my family tree with photos in A1 size, and the only format allowed here in the US is .jpg. The .pdf is too low quality to print at that size much less convert it to .jpg. Has anyone found a way to retain photo quality and print large enough to show at a family reunion? Only about 40 people on this tree. Thank you!
asked Jun 19, 2023 by lydenmama (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

I can probably help you figure this out, but I have some questions:

  1. Which one of these do you mean?
    A) There are photos in your family tree, and that the photos are too low quality.
    B) I am trying to print the famly tree as a photo, and the tree in general is too low quality?
  2. Where are you trying to print the tree? (home, Walgreens...)
  3. How are you getting the PDF?
  4. How are you converting the PDF to JPG? 

Those answers will help us understand why you are not getting the quality that you expect. But a relatively easy way to get a higher resolution image would be to choose A0 paper instead. 

You might find this answer useful, but it doesn't really address your specific question. 



answered Jun 20, 2023 by lsommerer (52,470 points)