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How come I cannot edit the main line with the name of the person?

0 votes
I can change it in the info box but the name which shows in the square in not editable. I need to change it from my native alphabet into English. Please advise.
asked Jun 11, 2023 by Murzey (160 points)
Could you explain a little more? I would love to help, but I can not picture what you are saying.
Hi and thanks for willing to help. So, it's like this:

I am looking at my family tree which consists of some 400 boxes with name inside the. Some of the names are in Cyrillic as I entered them in the beginning. Now I want to change them into Latin alphabet. So, to edit any person's info, I need to click on the box, and an editable little table opens.

I can edit any info inside the box but the name in bold above the box is outside it and cannot be edited (I made a screenshot but it's impossible to paste here).

So, I can change into Latin lettering the name in the box but this will not affect the line on top, it still stays Cyrillic.

Any suggestions?

Thank you in advance.


1 Answer

0 votes

I created a new family tree, and added a few people. I made the name of some of them "Кириллица" (I just copied some Cyrillic word). I could still edit the name, so I thought I could not duplicate your problem. But I noticed in your description of what you did that you didn't say that you clicked on the edit button. You probably did, and just didn't write it down. But just in case you didn't, you have to click on the edit button for the spots where you can change the name to appear. See the picture below. 

answered Jun 21, 2023 by lsommerer (52,490 points)
Sure did. As I said before, everything that is inside the box is editable but the bold lettering of the start name IS NOT!!! :-(
You may have to delete those entries and recreate them