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Can I Share a Link to my Family Tree that is View Only?

0 votes
The only share option I see is to select a person and create a link that allows editing of that person only. But I'd like a like that is read/view only and no one can edit anything.
asked May 28, 2023 by Andrew21 (130 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Yes. Here's how:
1. Go to a liviing family member.

2. Click "Share." It's located at the bottom.

3. From here you can email the family tree to anyone, even yourself. Whoever receives the email will get a link they can use the link to access the family tree. It can be copy and pasted anywhere.

4. Make sure "Allow ___ to edit family" is not clicked.

5. Email it and get the link!
answered May 31, 2023 by adamwinn (160 points)