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An easy way to split the tree?

0 votes
I would like to split off a branch of my large tree for the benefit of those who are unrelated to most of my family. I copied the tree and tried to delete the extraneous bits, but get the dreaded error message about "splitting the tree." Yes, I could delete the "outer people," but there are several thousand of them. There must be a better way? Or maybe I have to start the separate branch with several hundred people from scratch?
asked May 23, 2023 by dgdevil (210 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

There's no way built into Family Echo. But there are lots of people who want to split a large family tree, and if you search for "how do I split a GEDCOM file" you will get a lot of leads. This article, although it is written for people using Ancestry.com, should work for anyone. Just skip down to the part where you have your GEDCOM file and are ready to move on. 

answered May 25, 2023 by lsommerer (52,470 points)