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can I change the size of the fonts in the tree?

+1 vote
I can change the colour of the fonts, but not the size, or font type. can this be done?
asked May 14, 2023 by Hemanju (150 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

There are a couple of ways that you can increase the size of the font:

  • There is a size slider at the bottom of your family tree that will increase the size of the font.
  • In most browsers, command+ (or control+) will enlarge the font. (command- decreases the font and command0 sets it back to normal). This is actually a page zoom, but it does change the font size.
  • Most browsers will let you set some custom font sizes. Family Echo does not respect the Font Size setting in Chrome (presumably because it can cause the text to render incorrectly with respect to each person's bounding rectangle). It does respect the Minimum Font Size setting. 
  • You could use a browser extension to set the font-size attribute of the dcell class. When I tried this with the stylish extension, I had to use the "!important" rule to get it to work. This too can cause rendering problems with the bounding boxes of people.  
answered May 16, 2023 by lsommerer (51,710 points)