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Automatically says "ex-partner"

0 votes

Whenever I add a new partner, it automatically indicates "ex-partner" / "ex-wife" / "ex-fiancée" and forces me to put an end-date for the relationship. I'm assuming it is due to the sheer amount of "ex-partners" I've been putting recently? But i can't find a way around the issue. Is this a bug, or am I missing something?

I should note this is not the first time this happens to me (it must have happened twice or thrice in the past). In all previous occassions, time fixed it... but I'm sure I've accidentally left many marriages as "ex-marriages" due to this problem, and it's an annoyance.

asked Apr 30, 2023 by AshGeneration (530 points)
edited Apr 30, 2023 by AshGeneration

3 Answers

0 votes

i wrote this reply accidentally and i now can't delete it haha

answered Apr 30, 2023 by AshGeneration (530 points)
0 votes
Can you decribe the process and what you're seeing? Just something like, "first click here, then ckick here"? I ask, because I don't think we are seeing the same thing when we add partners.
answered May 1, 2023 by lsommerer (50,890 points)
+1 vote
This keeps happening to me as well. I'm not sure if this will work for you, but here's how I fixed it personally:


1. Click one of the persons involved in the "ex-marriage."

2. Click "Add partner/ex."

3. The topmost button should read something like, "Set partner to ___." Click that.


Hope this helps!
answered Jun 23, 2023 by Sonderwalk (160 points)