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Can you change the links' settings?

0 votes
I want to share the family tree i made with my Parents, but they do not know how to turn on Middle names, Ages, etc. and wont let me explain.


Is there some way that i can make it so the Link automatically has the Age, Life years etc etc turned on? so like you click on the view only link and it alr shows the age, middle names, etc and not just the first and last name
asked Apr 13, 2023 by Windjaeger (170 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

This would be a neat feature, and you can submit it via the Send Feedback link at the bottom of the Family Echo Screen. In the mean time, you might find that a remote access solution like Team Viewer (or any of a dozen others that are free for personal use) might let you do this for them. 

answered Apr 17, 2023 by lsommerer (50,870 points)