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Accidentally Skipped a Generaton, possible to fix?

0 votes
I accidentally skipped a generation in one branch of my tree. Is it possible to insert a generation? I would like to not delete all the work I've done if I can avoid it. Example: turning a parent into a grandparent.
asked Mar 29, 2023 by skhughes37 (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

I would correct this by doing this:

  1. Put in the generation that you missed as the children of the appropriet parents. If I understand you correctly, this means that these parents will now be ther "parents" of both their children and their grandchildren. 
  2. For each of the grand children:
    1. Click on the child
    2. Click the "Change of delete" button on the left
    3. Click the "Change parents" button
    4. Change the parents from their grandparents to their actual parents
    5. Click the "Okay" button
answered Mar 29, 2023 by lsommerer (52,610 points)