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Change "me" in the tree

0 votes
I started building a tree from the perspective of my great-great-great relative, not realizing that he would be set as "me." Is there a way to change "me" to the actual "me" without redoing the entire tree?
asked Mar 23, 2023 by slcristol (130 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

There are two ways you could do this:

  1. Export and Import the tree. The last step in the import process is to set who the "me" person is. Note that photos are not exported or imported.
  2. Share the family tree with yourself. The shared link that you get sets the person who you are sharing with as "me". This option might involve having to create a new Family Echo account and abandoning the old account. I haven't actually tried this method, and would only do so if I had a tree that the first method wouldn't work with because I had a lot of photos in the tree already.
answered Mar 24, 2023 by lsommerer (51,650 points)
Thank you so much!