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How to stop automatic capitalization of a name?

+2 votes

I have been unable to find a way to do this, so would appreciate any help.

I'm creating a historical family tree where parts of the name are not typically capitalised: for example, "Llywelyn ap Gruffudd" or "Robert Van de Graaff". However, when I try to include the name as either part of a first, middle or surname, it automatically capitalises it. For the record, both of the examples I've given actually work fine, so I think it's this specific name that is causing issues.

Is there any way to stop this from happening as the names are not currently being accurately represented on my tree.

asked Mar 20, 2023 by fatbunbun (140 points)
moved comment to answer below

1 Answer

0 votes

There's some logic in the name field that looks for commonly uncapitalized parts of names. It leaves those parts alone (as you noticed). I imagine that you have come across other parts of names that are not commonly capitalized that the author of the software is unaware. Can you post those here, or send them to the author via the Send Feedback link on the Family Echo screen.

answered Mar 22, 2023 by lsommerer (52,950 points)
Hi, thanks so much for this! I will send the details in the feedback form now. :)