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Is there a way to showcase select info of people in downloaded HTML copy of the tree?

0 votes


I have a requirement to share the tree as a whole, say, as HTM or read-only link. But I'm looking to have control of the info the receiver will have on the data.

For example,

  1. Any way to hide options button so that others cannot toggle/enable showing details that is to be hidden?
  2. Or, any way to show only select info to the end-user?
asked Mar 4, 2023 by mufeed.usman (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
There is no way to exclude data from a shared family tree. If I needed to do this, I think I would maintain two copies of the tree. One complete copy for myself, and one copy with the limited information to share.

As you probably know, you can export your GEDCOM file and then import it as a new family tree. If this is a large tree, then you can probably save a fair amount of time by editing the GEDCOM file before you upload it.

What information do you want to exclude from the shared version?
answered Mar 4, 2023 by lsommerer (52,870 points)