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How do I delete duplicate people?

+1 vote
333 views asked Feb 28, 2023 by debsdel (150 points) 1 flag

1 Answer

–1 vote
When you click on a person, there is an option on the left to "Change or delete" that person.
answered Mar 2, 2023 by lsommerer (52,870 points)
No, how do you delete the duplicate people.
What buttons do you see on the left when you click on a person?
this comment doesn't make sense
I think we might not have understood each other. I thought you meant that you had accidentally created a person and needed to delete that person. But maybe you are referring to the people that Family Echo labels as duplicates. Those are not mistakes. They are just people who also happen to appear in another place on the family tree, because they are related in more than one way. You don't have to do anything for these people.