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Is there a way to link to a read only version of my tree?

0 votes
I want to link to my tree from a website, without having to upload anything to the website or having people change any details whatsoever. My tree is fake, for a fictional family, so I want to be the only one to edit the details.
asked Feb 28, 2015 by WarLily (120 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
You could create a read-only version by clicking someone on the tree and then choosing 'Invite ??? to share family'. When you create a link to the tree make sure the 'Allow to edit' box is not checked. The link will then be directed at your family tree in Family Echo but no one will be able to change it.
answered Feb 28, 2015 by FamilyEchoSupport (22,190 points)
Thank you, that fixed it.